Rotaract club of Joensuu

“The purpose of Rotaract club of Joensuu is to engage and support humanitarian and cultural activities both nationally and internationally. Club helps and encourages its members to assist vulnerable and cope with a variety of support in demanding life situations.” – Rotaract club of Joensuu’s rules (translated)

Established on 31 of October 2011, Rotaract Club of Joensuu has been pursuing in different kind of humanitarian and cultural action. Our club is sponsored by Rotary club of Southern Joensuu.

Official motto of Rotaract is “Seld Development – Fellowship Through Service”. The official motto of Rotaract club of Joensuu is based on the previously mentioned motto, but it is encapsulated in three key words: development – networking – service.


One of the main objectives are to develop member of Rotaract club of Joensuu to respect and ensure the rights of others and to act ethically in all situations of life. The club seeks to educate its members to become responsible actors, so that they have skills to act responsibly and helpfully in the future.


Joensuu Rotaract members create and maintain both national and international networks and friendships in order to promote security, peace and companionship between people.


Rotarian motto of “Service above self” is also the basis of the Rotaract club of Joensuu activities. The purpose of the club is by small selfless deeds make the world an even better, safer and more stable place to live.

Joensuun Rotaractklubi ry